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What is Shirovasti and Its Benefits

What is Shirovasti and Its Benefits

Niyati Thole214 05-Jul-2022

Shirovasti is used to treat Ayurvedic ear problems and Vata-based damage to the cranial nerves. Shiro Basti is derived from two words - Shiro means 'head' and vasti means 'cap'. For this purpose, the leather cuffs attached to the patient's shaved head are fixed with a kneaded fabric and are constantly lubricated. This procedure aims to alleviate neuropathy and neurological disorders. If the patient is aiming for strong mental and physical immunity, ShiroVasti is highly recommended.

 This drug rejuvenates your body, prolongs cell life, strengthens immunity, and accelerates the metabolism of the human body. In Ayurveda, depression, chronic headaches, migraine, and many other diseases are well treated by Shiro Vasti.

 Benefits of Shirobasti

  •  Nourish the brain, thus supporting intelligence
  •  Reduces anxiety and stress
  •  It nourishes the hair roots, making them soft and shiny.
  • It helps to cure various eye diseases, sinusitis, and migraine and improves skin color.
  • Balance Vata and Kapa in the brain and balance the brain and skull. indicated by paralysis
  •  Parkinson's disease
  •  improves sleep

 Steps to make shirovasti

 The patient is seated upright on a wooden chair and medicated oil is applied to the body and head. Then, cover your head with a flexible leather cap that is open on both sides and pours some heated medicated oil over the cap. The oil is left in the lid and drained for approximately 45 minutes or until signs of appropriate effective treatment appear, whichever comes first. Then wipe your head with a clean, dry cotton cloth. Again, medicated oil is applied to the body and head, and the patient is given a body bath with warm water. This treatment lasts up to 7 days and requires the same number of days for preparation and post-intensive care. This treatment is beneficial for patients who want to recover from a stroke. This treatment is also suitable for rejuvenation and detoxification.

 Common oils suitable for treatment include:

  •  Thirateram (sesame oil),
  •  Baratai Ram,
  •  bluff Mita Ram,
  •  Chandanabala Lakshadi Tailam
  •  Ksheerabala Tailam,
  •  Mahama Shatai Ram,
  •  Yashtimadhu Tailam,
  •  Dhanwantaram Tailam,
  •  With BalashwagandhadiTailam
  •  Karpasasthyadi Tailam

 Treatment time

 Depending on your health and body dosha, the duration of Shirobasti depends on each disorder:

    •  50 minutes Vata
      •  Pita 40 minutes
      •  Close is 30 minutes

An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driven by the motive to make a difference in the sphere of mental health - and normalize seeking help through a sensitive and empathetic approach

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